Status types for Insurance Application 

On this page the status codes returned during an application process, are explained.


The application has successfully been received by Futur Pension, but has not yet started to be processed. This status should only last for < 1 second.


The application is being processed by Futur Pension: further information is gathered from external sources, and information is validated according to compliance and business rules. This status should normally last < 2 seconds, but may last longer depending on our connection to external sources.

During the statuses ‘Received’ and ‘Pending’, you could show a spinner or text like “The application is being processed by Futur Pension”


There is something in the application that requires an administrator/compliance officer to look at it before it can be sent on to the 'WaitForSign' step. Futur aims to start processing all applications that require manual validation the same day they are received. When this happens you can ask the customer to check in again in a day or two (it should be quicker, but better to be on the safe side). Alternatively, you could notify the customer when the status has been updated.


The json is insufficient on not in the correct format (the error will be specified in the response message for the post). This status is also used if Futur cannot accept the customer (this will happen if we are unable to retrieve necessary information from external sources, or if the customer is blacklisted in our compliance screening).


The application has been processed and is ready for relevant signatories to sign.


If an application has been rejected by a signatory, the process has ended and cannot be restarted. An application can only be rejected by a signatory via Futur’s GUI,


If the application is not signed within 90 days of reaching the 'WaitForSign' status, it expires.


The application has been signed by the customer, and Futur is in the process of creating the insurance. This should last no more than a few seconds but may last longer depending on our connection to external sources.


The final status. The insurance has been created and GET /InsuranceApplication/{id} will give you an insurance number.


There is something wrong with the application. Please see errorMessage for further information.


Informationen på denna sida är uppdaterad 2023-05-19